Planning for the future

A Neighbourhood Plan is a new way of enabling our local community to influence  development of the area and achieve a well-designed place to live, work and socialise.

The new  policies in our Plan now have legal status and must be taken into consideration by developers.  These are in addition to the SKDC policies in the Local Plan.

The Neighbourhood Plan focuses on the development of new homes and employment sites.  It also seeks to expand our local economy, protect and improve our green infrastructure as well as retaining and enhancing all our community amenities


The policies  have been formulated as the result of considerable public consultation between 2016-2020

The wishes of the Deepings community have been fully reflected in the final Plan and further consultations will take place to ensure the Plan is adapted and updated in a timely way - as national legislation inevitably changes.

The Deepings have a long and rich history as a thriving market town since the 13th century and evidence of a settlement here since Roman times.  Our current population is approximately 15,000 and this expected to grow by 15-20% over the next 25 years.

The Deepings Neighbourhood Plan provides key information about our past and present.  It is this background that guides us to the Vision for the future of the area at a time of rapid growth.







The Councils of Deeping St. James Parish and Market Deeping Town 
working together

The collaborative nature of the Neighbourhood Plan is a key feature of its development.

The joint population of both Deepings is approximately 15,000 and still increasing as more homes are built here.

Many of our services and amenities are shared and this is why the implementation of the Neighbourhood Plan will continue to be a joint venture.

The Deepings Neighbourhood Plan has secured the designation of seven Local Green Spaces and over 30 Important Open Spaces.  This means that these green spaces are  for public enjoyment and cannot be put forward for housing development (unless in exceptional circumstances)


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